How to seal a ceramic cartridge.

Posted by High End Dabzation on 10th Nov 2020

Vaporization is becoming an increasingly popular way to consume concentrates, and for good reason. They are discreet, don't cary the pungent skunk flower smell (tho aromatic), and leave you in a feeling of deep euphoria.

Watch Thomas Damato, a founder of High End Dabzation, seamlessly fill a cart utilizing a disposable 14ga blunt tip syringe to extract the oil and a H E D PRESS to seal the deal.

Some key tips with filling you cart: 1) Heat your oil (but it should never be steaming) 2) Fill the cart from the bottom - up 3) SEAL RIGHT AWAY!!! 4) Flip the cart over for 6-12hrs after sealing to allow all excess air pressure trapped within the tank to be pushed out.